Thursday, October 30, 2008

Massachusetts State Senator Dianne Wilkerson - Busted!

The Boston Globe reports that in my hometown of Boston (Roxbury), MA, in the District in which I lived for 30 years, a black female state Senator by the name of Diane Wilkerson was busted by the FBI today. She is can be seen in this photo taking cash and placing it in her bra. See Surveillance photos HERE

(FBI surveillance photograph)

State Senator Diane Wilkerson allegedly stuffed a $1,000 cash payoff into her bra during a meeting with an informant at No. 9 Park restaurant on June 18, 2007.

By John R. Ellement, Donovan Slack, Shelley Murphy, Maria Cramer, and Andrew Ryan, Globe Staff

State Senator Dianne Wilkerson was arrested this morning after an 18-month undercover investigation by Boston Police and the FBI in which she allegedly accepted eight bribes. More HERE

Many within the African American community of Boston have questioned her intergrity for years. Damn, why did the sister have to follow in the footsteps of so many other low life politcos?

UPDATE: Now Massachusetts State Senator Dianne Wilkerson has vowed to remain in her reelection fight despite her arrest this week on federal corruption charges and the release of photos allegedly depicting her accepting cash bribes, accusing US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan of engaging in a "political calculus" to derail her campaign. More HERE

African American Political Pundit says: Whatever Diane Wilkerson. You have significant character flaws and you need to resign. Although some in Boston may disagree, you have disgraced your district and the black community long enough. Throughout America and around the world your name is political mud. Let it go, go away... to prison.

Cross Posted on African American Political Pundit


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