Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hillary, The NY Mag, Liberals and Snakes on the plane

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama has to watch his back now that he has agreed to provide Hillary with the opportunity for a floor vote. But it is not only Hillary he has to watch out for. He also has to watch out for liberal rags like the NY as so-called liberal magazine that is dogging out Obama with outragious statements like, "The description of the Obamas’ life together displays no evidence of their connections to black culture."

AAPP: OK, here we go again with Barack Obama and his wife are not "black enough" bull. This time with an academic twist.

Current Issue

This rag, the New York went out to find anyone they could to lend credibility to the story. They found someone to degrade the 21st century black bourgeoisie involved in U.S. politics. Yes, Gayle Pemberton was dug up from some academic cave to say as much silly garbage about obama as possible. asking questions like, "And what does the white world know about black people like the Obamas, really? “The black middle class is the most invisible, unknown group in the country,” said Gayle Pemberton, a professor of African-American studies at Wesleyan University.

“There are millions and millions of people in it, and yet we know nothing about them.”

AAPP: Them? Them says, Gayle Pemberton? we already know where she is coming from.

Here are some more excerpts from the article:

One would think that the Obamas enjoy being called the black Kennedys, but maybe they don’t. “This Camelot myth has formed around Barack and Michelle, but they come from almost the opposite place in the world from the Kennedys,” says Obama’s friend Kenneth Mack, a law professor at Harvard University. “If you saw Barack on a yacht, that would be pretty unseemly. He’s the guy from the basketball court who used to go around in jeans and a leather jacket. In law school, he was really uncomfortable with the markers of elitism, like even dressing in a suit.”

It’s a sitcom, this miscommunication between black and white people: In fact, a manager in Hollywood told me that he’s getting calls from producers searching for TV writers to work on All in the Family–style shows for next year—they know the country will be hungry for this type of comedy if Obama is elected.

While Michelle hasn’t made many interesting statements in public—it’s a very small canon of comments, over the course of almost two years of campaigning—they’ve taken on enormous meaning. She’s not quite as smooth a political player as Barack: “Whenever Obama enters the room, there’s a sense of calm and satisfaction,” says a former campaign aide. “Michelle can get a little more tense. Before she goes on-camera for interviews, we’d have to give her a couple of minutes to compose herself. She’ll sit down, raise her hands over her head, and go, ‘Ugh, God!’ ” That’s a mask she’s wearing in public, most of the time, and we aren’t sure what is underneath. When she uttered her fateful words about how, for “the first time in my adult life, I’m really proud of my country,” she unleashed an explosion of emotion, because everyone who’s awake could read between the lines—she was angry about the treatment of black people in America. And anger will not do. Besides, what does she have to be angry about, with her Ivy education and Hyde Park mansion? Isn’t she herself an example of the fact that racism is over in America? More HERE

All of this as Barack Obama's plane was forced to endure an emergency landing after the Democratic presidential candidate's aircraft suffered mechanical problems over Missouri.

A spokesman for the Federal Aviation Authority confirmed to The Times that there had been an emergency landing in St Louis last month after the pilot notified air traffic control of problems. It is understood that the pilot of Mr Obama's plane had warned that he was having problems controlling the "pitch" of the plane and requested emergency assistance.

A controversy has erupted over the landing. According to a US news channel, control tower tapes show that the pilot of Mr Obama's plane demanded an emergency landing. At the time, both the FAA and Midwest Airlines insisted that there was no emergency.

But Laura Brown, a spokesman for the FAA said that she had said minutes after the incident happened that there had been no emergency because of what she had been told by the agency's public affairs staff for air traffic control. More HERE

AAPP: Right! Something seems just a bit fishy with this story. I wonder what Samuel L. Jackson would say:

I guess Barack has to look out for Hillary, The NY Mag, Liberals and Snakes on the planes.

African American Political Pundit is a 2008 DNCC Credentialed blogger and blogs at African American Political

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's August 2008 - Is Hillary Clinton Still Trying to Steal The Nomination?

Is it getting ready to be ugly at the Democratic National Convention?

There are some crazy reports coming out of main stream media and the blogosphere. Take for instance, Stephen ohlemacher at the Associated Press is reporting that Hillary Clinton supporters "aren't buying the unity theme planned for the Democratic National Convention." He writes, "One group intends to paper the city with fliers, promote a video detailing what they contend were irregularities in the nominating process and unleash bloggers to give their take on the proceedings. Another group has purchased newspaper advertisements demanding that Clinton be included in a roll-call vote for the nomination. Meanwhile, the Obama Nation of Barack Obama continues.

obama nation
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton in many ways contributed to this book by the way they campaigns and attempting to degrade Barack Obama.

AAPP: This is looking pretty ugly to me. and I'm not the only one wondering what the hell is going on with Hillary and Bill trying to upstage Obama at the convention. Check out comments from Democratic National Committee member and former Texas Democratic Party Chairman Bob Slagle in the Dallas Morning News, who said he'd write to fellow Clinton delegates and urge them not to push a legitimate roll call vote.

"They may have it choreographed where there is some stage play," Mr. Slagle said. "She could go up there and give a flowery speech and then ask her supporters to vote for Obama. I don't know why she would want a roll call vote and then go down in flames."

AAPP says: Yes, the Obama campaign (which now controls the Democratic National Committee) has agreed to allow Sen. Hillary Clinton's name to be placed in nomination. To this AAPP this is more than just symbolic as some major news media outlets are trying to play it. This is a divisive effort on the part of Bill and Hillary Clinton to negatively impact on the campaign of Barack Obama. Can you imagine the impact of seeing black delegates having to cast votes for Hillary Clinton Vs. Barack Obama in the state delegate/ballot count? Black delegates being placed in the position of voting for Hillary who is suppose to lose the nomination? Black delegates have already taken a beating at home for supporting Hillary. Hillary has limited grass root support in black communities across America. But then again she must be playing to win the nomination away from Obama even at this 24th hour. More HERE

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Is Barack Obama Hating on Black Males?

Ok, Were Family right, so can we talk? OK, so Barack Obama was heckled and accused of not focusing on black issues recently. Obama appeared in St. Petersburg, Florida and was interrupted when 3 black men stood up, put up a banner that said, "What about the black community, Obama?" and hollered, What about the black community? Ok folks they did break the decorum, and Barack, rightfully told them they would have time to ask questions after the speech was over, and they did.

They asked why he was not focusing on issues like the sub-prime mortgage crisis, Jena Six, Sean Bell and "the numerous attacks that are made against the African-American community." Obama responded twofold: telling the hecklers that he had, in fact, been focused on these issues and explaining that there would never be 100% continuity between his agenda and that of the voters.

"Listen, I was a civil rights lawyer," Obama said. "I passed the first racial profiling legislation in Illinois.

I passed some of the toughest death penalty reform legislation in Illinois.

That doesn't mean I am always going to satisfy the way you want these issues framed... which gives you the option of voting for somebody else, it gives you the option of running for office yourself, those are all options.

Did Barack Obama have say all that? Did he have to say, "which gives you the option of voting for somebody else."

AAPP: I wonder why Barack went there on the brothers? why did he have to give the riot act on voting to the brothers? Was Jesse Jackson right, but just said it the wrong way? Is Barack having issues with black men, or is it a tight rope he is walking on? Candidly, i don't think he needed to go there on the brothers. More HERE

Your thoughts, was Obama wrong? Were the demonstrators wrong, or were they both off base?